Saturday, February 28, 2009

Welcome to My First Post

I’m relatively new to the neighborhood and it often bothers me when I drive around and see how the area is maintained. In this economy who can blame me or anyone for wanting to downsize and stay in an affordable area. But my concern is just because we are not living in mega a mansion’s doesn’t mean that our neighborhoods can’t be top notch. I often compare our neighborhood to Prairie Village, KS. How many of our homes here look just like the homes over there but the property values are so different it’s worth discussion. Why is that? Prairie Village is a fairly well kept area around the homes and businesses. People show pride in the neighborhood and it is reflected in the property values. Why don’t we do the same? I know we have people here that care because I personally live across from one of the nicer homes in the zip code with one of the best lawns you’ll find around. He shows pride in ownership and I want us all to. My blog will simply be my assessment of what I see in and around my neighborhood from businesses and home surroundings that I think could be better maintained and overall made better for the entire community. I want to love my neighborhood and feel clean and safe in it. I can’t imagine why everyone doesn’t feel the same way. We either choose to or have to live her so why not make it the very best it can be.

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